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Artfully sugar hill

E Center

Public Art at the E Center

The public art collection in the E Center may also be worth noting. The building features a number of artworks, from the hyper-local emerging artists to established artists within Georgia.


Murals in Downtown Sugar Hill

Check out our newest mural located next to The Bowl Pond near The Landing. This vibrant masterpiece, painted by artist Kim Pitts, showcases local plants and wildlife.


Suite Spot Murals

In 2016, the volunteer-based group brought in two local artists to complete one of the largest public pieces ever created in Sugar Hill, two beautiful murals both located at the Suite Spot, formerly City Hall.


The Sugar Hill Arts Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are held at the Sugar Hill Art Gallery.

Who Can Serve on the Sugar Hill Arts Commission?

Members shall be citizens of Sugar Hill, affiliated with business located in Sugar Hill, or serve as one of two at large positions which do not require Sugar Hill residency. In addition, a city council member will also be encouraged to serve as a member of the Arts Commission.